Couple With Stroller At Vivid Make 200,000 New Enemies In One Night 

A Sydney couple have acquired nearly a quarter of a million lifetime enemies as they blithely pushed their eighteen month old around Vivid in a stroller.

“God forbid we should have thought this through a tad and maybe gotten a baby sitter for the night or even stayed at home and given it a miss,” said Sydney mother Anne Titlement. “I can’t believe the crowd hasn’t parted before me like I’m Moses opening up the Red Sea but that just shows you that this city is full of rude folk with no brains and no consideration for other people.”

“What the hell is a toddler going to get out of this other than copping my Doc Martins squarely in his mucus covered melon,” said frustrated Vivid patron Klaus Trophobic as he twisted away from what he thought was a way through the crowd. “When I was that age the highlight of my day would have been seeing a duck. Maybe if it was a massed display of dangling keys I’d understand the need to drag your ugly sprog around with you.”

Meanwhile Vivid had gotten the thumbs up from most sectors of the public, except of course Sydney’s dads who’ve expressed outrage at all those lights being left on.

Peter Green

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