Sky News Shocked To Learn That Low Ratings Aren’t Caused By Cancel Culture

Niche news network, Sky News Australia, has conducted a forensic analysis of their ratings and the results indicated that their ridiculously low ratings were a result of putting out a crappy product rather than cancel culture.

”This came as a shock,” said a company Spokesperson. ”I mean we thought a team of Bolt, Murray, Credlin and Morgan would be ratings winners.’

”Boy did we get that wrong.”

When asked given their diabolically low ratings whether the station needed to change course and go back to reporting news rather than starting culture wars, the Spokesperson said: ”Where’s the fun in that?”

”Our network takes pride in the crap we put out, like the upcoming ABC hit piece that old mate Chris Kenny knocked up.”

”We have high hopes for this, it might even get more than 10 viewers.”

”Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and rifle through Annabel Crabb’s bins. I heard she may have thrown out a plastic bottle instead of recycling it.”

Mark Williamson


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16 replies

  1. One would learn more about politics in Australia watching the Bugs Bunny Show.


  2. Bunch of narsasists


  3. Pathetic attempt at Fake News – The Un Australian? Good name for this Dripple!!!!!


    • hey Rich,
      obviously Sky is your source of choice but spelling is not your strong point,
      is that common among your like minded viewers or just “drivel”
      Also, not so much “fake” as irony.


  4. Sky news is a great Chanel , maybe you knockers just aren’t intelligent enough to understand what they are saying. They are the most honest and knowledgeable people for news.


    • If they’re as good as you say why does no one, other than you and 3 others watch them?


      • Well that is intelligent…you think the only people who watch are us who leave a comment. I know many people who watch sky, but they aren’t the woke left of course. You don’t have to watch , but the knockers are very rude. Simple just don’t watch. Especially if you can’t handle the truth in a world full of deception .where wrong is now right and right is now wrong !!


        • Check out the official ratings, Sky News is woefully low. Can’t even beat Peppa Pig.


          • Oh so that explains it…. You watch Peppa pig, not sky news. Well that’s ok… each to their own. I’ll stick to sky news. People just can’t handle big boy news. I guess Peppa pig is on their level. Enjoy!!!!


            • You’d learn more from Peppa pig than the low rent clowns at Sky. How’s convicted racist Andrew Bolt going? Or failed politician Peta Credlin?


              • I watched pepper Pig … 50 years ago!!! . But some people just can’t leave Peppa pig behind. I bet you learn from Peppa… it very obvious you have. Andrew Bolt is not racist, he just exposes the phoneys. Credlin did not fail…. She went on to bigger and better at the number one news show…. SKY. You sure I’m not talking to Kevin Rudd !!!!


                • In the eyes of the law Bolt is a racist. He breached the racial discrimination act. And no one failed in politics worse than Peta and Tony, their own party axed them.


                • In the eyes of the law, you could be up for defamation .You can take Peppa Pig and you continual slurs of Sky , back to Peppa pig land. I’m watching Brilliant Bolt now actually. Did you get your Peppa Pig show bag this year. ???


                • Satire and truth are defenses for defamation. Enjoy Bolt, you and the 3 other viewers.


                • You would not know what truth is !!!!! You can keep on living you life of deception and lies. I shall just keep watching Sky news for truth and the real world we live in. You can stay in Peppa pig fantasy land !!!


                • Truth and Sky News, good luck with that. Say to hi to Rita for us……..the lowest of the low rating.


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