Dutton Doesn’t Rule Out Introducing National Service For Those Under 40

The Opposition leader (for now), Peter Dutton, has refused to rule out National service in Australia for those aged 40 and under. The move follows UK PM (as of publishing), Rishi Sunak, promising to introduce National service in the UK should pigs fly and he wins the upcoming election.

”National service is a great way for the youth of this Nation to give something back,” said the Opposition leader. ”National service doesn’t necessarily mean serving in the army.”

”It could involve other jobs like mowing a boomer’s lawn or being a part of the audience for the Bolt report, or Paul Murray live.”

When asked what if anything does his party offer the youth of Australia, the Opposition leader said: ”What young person wouldn’t want to be a part of the coolest group of people in parliament.”

”They can learn so much from shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor, a man who didn’t allow his inability to count past 10, stop him from rising through the ranks.”

”The there’s Barnaby, a man who will bend over backwards for any damsel in distress or even just a bit tipsy.”

”Don’t forget Sussan, you know people go on about the Liberals having a problem with Women, but we love having Sussan in cabinet, to pour the tea and serve the sandwiches.”

”Anyway, must be off, Gina likes me to have her lawns done and hedges trimmed by midday.”

Mark Williamson


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