“Let Them Eat Yellow Cake,” Dutton Tells Those Opposed To Nuclear

Opposition leader, Peter Dutton, fresh off releasing his nuclear power policy in the format of a detail free pamphlet, has reacted angrily to all those against the policy (sic) saying: ”let them eat yellow cake.”

”Bloody Greenies, inner city elite and the so-called journalists need to get on board with nuclear or else,” seethed the Opposition leader. ”How dare they want to know details of my policy, how dare they!”

”If I say nuclear is viable it is viable!”

When asked why he was so reluctant to release detail for his nuclear policy and pressed whether it was because he didn’t have the detail, the Opposition leader said: ”How dare you accuse me of not doing the work, how bloody dare you.”

”I have spent hours under the learning tree that is Gina Rinehart, and she has assured me that nuclear is the best thing for her.”

”And what is best for Gina, is best for the Nation.”

”Now, if you’ll excuse me, Gina’s over in Paris and I said I’d head over and check her mail and water the plants.”

Mark Williamson


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