Budget Loser: Sky News Australia

Treasurer Jim Chalmers has this week released his third budget and with it there has been notable winners and losers. The most notable loser thus far appears to be Sky News Australia, who despite spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertising has failed to draw an audience.

”We thought our usual collection of angry clowns ranting and raving about the budget would draw a crowd,” said a Sky News Channel spokesperson. ”Boy, did we get that wrong.”

”At one stage it registered that Paul Murray tonight had negative viewers, how does that happen?”

When asked if they were really surprised that a station that is consistently anti-Government and pro-Coalition would fail to draw an audience, the spokesperson said: ”Well, we thought we’d at least get the Coalition members and their families watching, but, they must have been busy.”

”I hear Barnaby Joyce was having drinks last night.”

”Guessing the rest of the party had to chaperone him.”

”Oh well, back to the drawing board, now to find another minority group to wage war with.”

Mark Williamson


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