ABC Staff Offered Counselling After Being Forced To Interview A Government Minister

The ABC has announced that they will offer counselling to all employees after their News Breakfast program was forced to interview a Government Minister instead of their preferred option of an Opposition spokesperson.

”It is indeed a dark day for the ABC that we had to speak to a Minister instead of the Opposition,” said an anonymous News Producer. ”Sure, we could’ve hammered them with got ya questions but, it’s just so much easier to verbally fellate the Opposition.”

”I wish the LNP had sent us their talking points earlier.”

When asked why the ABC bent over backwards for the Coalition and seemed to have pitchforks ready for the Government, the anonymous Spokesperson said: ”That’s not true we cover both sides equally. Just that some sides are more equal than others.”

”The public doesn’t know half the story of what happens behind the scenes.”

”I mean it’s not like Peter Dutton is holding our loved ones hostage, oh God, I miss my Mum.”

”Anyway, must be off, Angus Taylor had a thought I need to film him reciting it to run as the lead story of tonight’s news.”

Mark Williamson


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