Dutton Tells Cabinet That He’s Taken Angus Taylor Off To ‘Live’ At The Farm

Opposition leader (for now), Peter Dutton, has gathered his cabinet colleagues together to tell them the special news that he has taken the shadow Treasurer, Angus Taylor, to the country to ‘live’ on a farm. The move follows Taylor’s disastrous performance at The National Press Club.

”To be fair we thought Pete would’ve 86’d Angus months ago,” said a member of Dutton’s cabinet speaking under anonymity. ”But, he kept him around, kind of like Michael Corleone did to his brother in the Godfather 2.”

”Then silly old Angus had to go out and interfere in Liberal family business.”

When reached for comment on Angus’ new ‘life’ on the farm, the Opposition leader said: ”Angus is a country boy at heart so he will rest easier out in the green pastures, away from the hustle and bustle of the National Press Club.”

”There he will never again have the chance to interfere in my business.”

”Let this be a lesson to all my colleagues and those in the media, if you get in my way I will have you moved to the farm.”

”Now, if you’ll excuse me, I bought some puppies whilst I was out in the country, I think I might go and strangle a few.”

Mark Williamson


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