Dutton Promises To Abolish The Metric System

Opposition leader, Peter Dutton, has delivered a speech over the weekend where he pledged to take Australia back to the good old days by abolishing the metric system.

”People are confused and it’s time the Government acted and abolished this inner city elite thought up metric system,” said the Opposition leader. ”I mean how are people meant to function with all these decimal points.

”America doesn’t use the metric system, are we saying we’re better than them by using it.”

When asked why he was looking to blame the current Government for the implementation of the metric system, which occurred decades ago, the Opposition leader said: ”How dare you question me?” Ray Hadley doesn’t question me, Simon Benson doesn’t question me, why should you?”

”Australian journalists, you sniveling elites need to stop talking and start listening.”

”I am the soon to be leader of this country and my word is law.”

”Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to address a group of farmers about why Albanese is the reason for all their perceived troubles.”

Mark Williamson


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