Barnaby Apologises For Accidentally Sending The Hawk Tuah Vid To All His Contacts, Again

Peter Dutton’s shadow minister for home and foreign affairs, Barnaby Joyce, has apologised after accidentally sending the hawk tuah video to all his contacts, for the second time this week.

”What can I say, I’m a bit clumsy when it comes to the phone and well, something that was meant for the missus somehow went to everyone,” said the member for New England. ”Most people seemed to enjoy it, old mate Angus didn’t get it, but well he’s a special sort of a bloke that one.”

”If he were on the farm we’d give him the job of looking for the needle in the hay stack.”

When asked why he was so enamoured with the hawk tuah video, the shadow minister for home and foreign affairs said: ”It’s good to see a young lady out there having a go, and in my world if you have a go, you’ll get a go, or at least a good going over.”

”It’s quite a romantic video as well, reminds my of how I met my latest wife. She was in the office I was on the prowl and wouldn’t you know it, here we are, two kids later.”

”Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve arranged for a few young interns to be briefed on the old hawk tuah vid.”

Mark Williamson


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