Angus Assures Australia That He’ll Make A Great Treasurer As He Has All His Fingers And Toes To Count With

The Opposition’s shadow Treasurer (yep, he’s the best they could manage), Angus Taylor, has moved to assure the Nation that he’ll make a great Treasurer, as he has all his fingers and toes to count with.

”Australian’s need to rest assured that when I become Treasurer, under Prime Minister Dutton that the Nation’s coffers are in safe hands,” said the member for Hume. ”With all my fingers and toes I can now count up to 20, 21 if I use my nose.”

”Can Jim Chalmers match that?”

When reached for comment on the performance of his shadow Treasurer, the Dark Lord Peter Dutton said: ”Angus is doing a fine job and would be the first person I called upon if I needed someone to count up to 20.”

”The media needs to start getting behind not only Angus but some of my other shadow Ministers.”

”For too long my Ministers and I have been ignored and it’s just not right. In some lucky countries a military coup could be held, what I wouldn’t give for that to happen here.”

”Now, if you’ll excuse me, I just a call that Angus got his hand stuck in a jar, again.”

Mark Williamson


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