Dutton Stubs His Toe: Puts Out Press Release Condemning Labor Over It

The Opposition’s head hate hydrant, Peter Dutton, has stubbed his toe this morning and immediately put out a press release condemning the Labor Government over it.

”Just what is Labor actually doing to prevent good honest Australian citizens from stubbing their toe?” Asked hate hydrant Dutton. ”You know, I once went to Israel so this is clearly an anti-Semitic attack on my toe.”

”For shame Albo, for shame.”

When asked what he would do, should he ever become PM (LOL), hate hydrant Dutton said: ”This issue is not about me it’s about the Albanese Government and whatever mud I can get to stick on them by using the megaphone that is the News Corp papers to scream out what I say.”

”Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and scream at people lining up for the bus that it’s Labor’s fault that they are not driving to their destination today.”

Mark Williamson


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