National Party Demands The Return Of Leaded Petrol

The Coalition’s junior member, the National party, have come out today demanding that the Albanese Government bring back leaded petrol.

”What sort of weak minded individual is Albo that he has a problem with lead?” Asked the National’s chief agitator Barnaby Joyce. ”I mean it’s bloody lead, it’s in pencils.”

”This country is getting softer, it’s not the Australia that I know and used to love.”

When asked why on earth would they want to bring back leaded petrol, the member for New England said: ”Gina wants it and you know, what Gina wants she gets.”

”Don’t believe me? Ask the Australian swim team.”

”Anyway, gotta go see the pharmacist, apparently these days there are pills that will help you put lead in your pencil.”

”Can’t wait to get back to parliament to press the flesh or maybe even sharpen the old pencil.”

Mark Williamson


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