Sky News’ Viewers, All 6 Of Them, Strongly Support Nuclear

Niche news station, Sky News Australia, has revealed that a survey of their viewers, all 6 of them, has showed that they are all in favour of nuclear power.

”When Sky News speaks, people listen,” said a Spokesperson for the station. ”This survey shows the strong support that nuclear has in Australia.”

”If 100% of our viewers are in favour of nuclear then this must of course mean that all of Australia, except for a few inner-city trendies would also be in favour.”

When asked if the polling of Sky News’ viewers, all 6 of them, was merely shouting into an echo chamber, the station’s spokesperson said: ”Of course not, we have a diverse spread of viewers, that stretches all the way from Toorak to Vaucluse.”

”People continually rubbish our station, saying things like Andrew Bolt is a convicted racist, why is Paul Murray shouting and who watches this crap.”

”Well as Australia will find out at the next election, Australians watch Sky News! Australians who vote for a detail-free, nuclear powered Dutton Government, watch Sky News!.”

Mark Williamson


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